Our Worship Service

Lakefield United Church

Our Sunday worship service begins at 10:30 a.m. and includes prayer, reflection, scripture, special music by our Junior, Senior and Bell choirs, and hymns sung with the choir and accompanied by our beautiful pipe organ. Early in the service, the children are invited forward to sit with the minister for a short story before they depart to their Sunday school classes. Approximately once a month, the children remain in church for the service as we give our dedicated teachers a well-deserved break.

The SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION is a part of our worship service 4 to 5 times in the calendar year. All are invited to share in this special time, regardless of denominational background.

Holy Communion is also served to our shut-ins (in their own homes, in nursing homes or in hospital) at Christmas and Easter.

The SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM is a part of our worship service (usually twice a year). While it is most often infants and small children who are baptized, adults are welcome take this step on their faith journey. You are invited to speak to the minister if you would like more information about Baptism.

Many members of our church family participate in our Sunday worship as LAY READERS by reading a Scripture Lesson or leading the congregation in the Responsive Psalm.

If you would like to be a Lay Reader and would like more information, you are invited to speak to the minister or call the church office (705-652-3126).

NEW MEMBERS are received on designated Sundays during the calendar year.

You can become a member of Lakefield United Church by:

  • Transferring your membership from a previous congregation
  • Profession of Faith
  • Confirmation (usually teens - the culmination of several months of classes as our young people continue on their spiritual journey)